Powered Unit:
One of the most iconic locomotives of the Amtrak era, the F40PH had a unique look that could be seen all across America as the new face of passenger travel. Even today, these locomotives have a very passionate fanbase. No modern passenger roster is complete without one! Returning in new paint schemes and with multiple road-number specific detail options like fuel tank location, lighting and roof fan details, Lionel’s LEGACY F40PH is a fitting tribute to this locomotive. Kinematic pilots greatly enhance the look going through curves and now we’ve added Bluetooth control to the many options you have to get the most enjoyment out of your models. Don’t be left at the station as these pass by Official licensee of Amtrak. Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.
Cabbage Unit:
As the F40PH fleet aged, Amtrak gave many a new lease on life as cab control units for push-pull service trains. Officially known as “NPCU” or Non-Powered Cab Units, the combination cab+baggage compartments quickly gave them a more popular nickname, the “Cabbage.” Whatever you call them, these units provide a safe operating platform for train crews when the locomotive is pushing on the other end of the train as well as additional baggage storage for passengers. Lionel’s NPCU’s are a perfect pair to your powered F40PH. Like the prototype, these aren’t powered, but have all of the other bells and whistles you want in a Legacy locomotive. When used in conjunction at either end of the train, you’ll get realistic sound and lighting functions in either direction. So get your orders in and put some Cabbage on your layout! Official licensee of Amtrak. Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporatio